Chat 3.0
Single File Download - This is probably what you want
if you're looking to get started using chat. This program is all you need
to connect to the best extensible encrypted Ruby one-off chat program in
eastern North-America.
Browse the Source - Or join in
the development. Chat 3.0 is hosted on github, so grabbing or perusing the
source code couldn't be easier.
Download Ruby - If
you're running Windows, you probably want the "Ruby on Windows One-Click
Installer". Chat 3.0 works out of the box on Windows Ruby. If you're running
Mac OS-X or Linux, you probably already have Ruby installed.
FXRuby Gem
- For you Mac and Linux folks, you'll probably need to install the FXRuby gem
to use Chat 3.0. You'll want the latest appropriate gem, which is
fxruby-1.6.20.gem at the time of this writing. Keep in mind you will
need to install the appropriate Fox toolkit packages first. For example, on
Debian/Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6-dev
sudo gem install fxruby-1.6.20.gem